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lifetime learning for all

How we make educational activites accessible for all older adults, whether they are in person or remote?


  1. Enable older adults to participate in Mather Live classes both in person and remotely

  2. Create a platform that allows Mather to easily expand to different communication channels



A service that could be used to accommodate a variety of class types and attendee preferences. This included a service playbook, blueprint and drafts of key touchpoints. 

This design generated excitement with the team at Mather and was a viable idea for them to explore in the 



The Mather (non-profit company dedicated to helping people age well)

3 designers at Northwestern University



Thinking Through Complexity

Communicating with Client


Project Management


Previous project 

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UX Internship

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UX Design

UX Design

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everyone's garden

sustainable packaging

UX, Service Design Thesis

Physical Product Design

I explored how we could make community garden participation more accessible for people with little time to devote... coming soon

Ever had a frustrating experience trying to open medicine? Medicine packaging is usually difficult to open and not sustainable. We helped our client dream up a more sustainable package ... read more

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